go reiki!

People all around the world are discovering the amazing benefits of Reiki... 

Reiki is an ancient form of hands-on healing and a non-religious spiritual practice to invite health and happiness into your life. There are records from as long as 4000 years ago which state that working with the energy which courses throughout our bodies and the environment around us is vital to our wellbeing. In India this energy is know as 'Prana' and is addressed in Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga. In China it is known as 'Chi' and is utilised in martial arts, Qigong and Chinese medicine such as acupuncture. In Japan this energy is known as 'Ki' and with the added 'Rei' (meaning divine, spirit or higher self) you have Reiki. 

Reiki in the form that we know it today was re-discovered and developed in Japan in the early 1900s by Mikao Usui Sensei.  After years studying many subjects including medicine, psychology and religion, he concluded that the purpose of life was to obtain peace of mind.  He spent time in monastery in Kyoto and discovered Reiki after talking with a Zen Master and a period of fasting.  Realising he had achieved the peace of mind he was looking for he also found that a wonderful side effect of this was the ability to encourage the body to heal itself.    
Usui Sensei spent the rest of his life teaching Reiki as a spiritual practice to others and healing the ill and the poor.  He helped aid many of the injured in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in 1923 and was awarded great honors for his work.  After his death, Reiki continued to develop and was eventually introduced to the western world with the help of one of Usui's own students. It has since spread across the globe.

Today Reiki is mainly used as a healing treatment to aid all matters of physical, mental or emotional ill-health. It is believed that a Reiki practitioner acts as a channel between the recipient and the Reiki source, connecting them both to an unlimited supply of natural energy. The body's own energy channels are cleared and revived and bodily organs restored with vitality. Many believe that just the process of safe human contact (something we seem to be short of in today's world) coupled with an hour's relaxation to recouperate and reconnect with oneself is what they find beneficial. Either way it works! The recipient is left feeling both relaxed and energised.  

Many people after receiving a Reiki treatment are so amazed with the benefits that they choose to receive an 'attunement' and learn how to treat themselves, treat others and how to use Reiki to benefit many aspects of their lives - Reiki courses 

What religion is Reiki?

Reiki has no religion.  The name 'Reiki' is Japanese and it's founder Mikao Usui followed Shinto and Buddhist faiths, but the concept of a 'natural universally connecting energy' within the body is acknowledged world wide, with each country or faith system just having a different name for it.  

The ancient greeks referred to it a Pneuma, American Native Indians knew it as Orenda.  In China this energy is called Chi or Qi, in India it is called Prana.  Jewish faith knows energy like this as Ruach, Islam mentions the Ruh, Rastafarianism refers to Livity, and so on.  Most would liken the energy within Reiki practice to something like 'the spirit'... for example when one would say "Your spirits are up!" or when someone is in 'good spirits' they would feel happy and lively, when somebody is in 'low spirits' they would seem depressed and poorly.  (The word 'spirit' incidentally comes from the latin word for 'breath, soul, vigor' this multiple meaning translates similarly in many of the other words mentioned above.)

So you see, it doesn't matter if you are religious or not, or what faith you have or country you were born or live in... Reiki works for you in any language.